Hello Facubaci and Ilanthar. Good work on Rovendor map.

I have a request from you, but first some explanation.

I'm making an fantasy strategy - war board game "Terra nullius" to play with friends. Game will be only for non-commercial, but I don't
exclude publishing it in future- if game appears to be good (in that case we will talk about acquiring copyrights or I will make completely different map).

Shape, proportions, even city locations of yours map fit perfectly my view on mechanics for "Terra nullius". Game will be played on
strategy map divided for provinces where armies will be build, and politics made . Battles will be played outside the map with special
token-card mechanics.
That's why I want to ask both of you for permission to use this map in my game, for personal use..

Facubaci - If you wish for I can make that part of story line for "Terra incognita" will be link up with Rovendor (for example -geographical and cities names some history links).
Ilanthar - to link this map with my game mechanics it will need minor changes (province divide, little more forests and swamps, icons and
names of cities, fortress). I respect others people time, so I'm happy to pay for your time.

Waiting for reply. mullenkamp@wp.pl
Thank you very much