I don't think there's a professional RPG cartographer in existence that does so full time (maybe), almost all have some other day-time job doing something else. I don't think any of us depends upon RPG map-making as a means of putting food on the table, I know I don't. Cartography is only a hobby that sometimes pays, if you're art is sought after in any degree.

Add to that, my other sideline, which is developing RPG campaign settings as a co-publisher, while the products are 'for sale' items, they hardly provide any kind of consistent income that would allow me to quit my daytime job. Even my "RPG map printing business" is the tiniest percentage of my daytime graphics design/digital print studio daytime business. None of my RPG related income streams, even added together provides enough as a full time income.

I didn't decide to participate in the RPG industry as a means to make serious money, rather it's a hobby I love that gives me some opportunities to bring gaming material to a fanbase, with a simple goal of paying for itself only, and maybe a little more.

Am I a capitalist? I am an entrepreneur, so I suppose I am, but that doesn't mean I'd ever intend to 'shank anyone' (I haven't needed to so far). I provide needed services that are paid for, that's all. You're welcome to whatever lifestyle or belief system, you prefer, but I'm certainly not ashamed of what I do.