Well, I've since tried trials of Illustrator, CorelDraw and Xara and so far I can't decide.

*Illustrator's interface will take some getting used to.
*CorelDraw seems okay but it does funny things in regards to dpi/ppi.
*Xara may be the way I go if I can figure it out properly. The interface is reminiscent of Cinema 4D (which is a good thing).

A few things I've found in Inkscape's favour;
*It seems to have much better node editing tools.
*It will trace large bitmaps without any issues. CorelDraw wants to downsample them.
*It lets me do lines that are fractions of a pixel wide. CorelDraw is limited to 1 pixel and hairline widths.

Either way I'm not really sure what I will go with yet. More testing is required.