I understand why the poles are abandoned by a lot of map makers, but the main continent goes from the equator up to the pole and then over to the other side. I was looking at different methods particularly because I want to preserve the poles as they're central to the story I created the world for. I think what I might do is finish it as I'm working now, and then I'll have a sphere which I can experiment with. I'll try some of the methods Hai-Etlik is talking about and see how different my continents look when distorted in different ways It might even give me some great maps I can use in my games that look more like they were created by cartographers who haven't got modern technology versus accurate representations that, for example, powerful wizards might create. This is really helping me develop the project, but once again, I'm getting carried away. First I need to make my rivers make sense and make sure they aren't running up any mountains

I also have to keep in mind that, as Hai-Etlik also said, a compass would make no sense in a map like this, but the whole point of having a world was so I could make smaller maps with accurate scales. So I suppose I can do those later.

As you say Realmwright, it would be great to get an actual printed globe out of this by the end I will definitely look into achieving this at some point. How cool would it be to have a physical globe of my fantasy world for my games!