I dunno if I quite agree with the quoted statement. I mean firstly with graphics tablets you can do hand drawn design, and I don't see the benefit of using a pencil and compass over using a circular marquee tool. In all my studies and professional life I've tried to adopt the philosophy of "work smarter not harder". It's hard to think that people who look on at the "tech-savvy" who are no doubt leagues ahead of them in terms of technical computer skill, simply try to pull a negative from something that really is a positive; people being able to accomplish quality with speed. It kinda feels like the criticism that used to be offered from my old university lecturer who was "teaching us how to use Photoshop" even though I have been using it for over a decade while he was still using pens and ink and mounting his presentation pieces on graphics board; in the one on ones he would try to offer so often it would be me showing him how to do things with the program.

I've only recently got a graphics tablet, and I haven't really drawn by hand for quite some time (always preferring digital), but I've made battle-maps and concept art of the most weird, wonderful and fantastical; my method of drawing doesn't stop me day dreaming or my mind wandering and a map deviating onto a different path unsure of where it takes me. If the subject of what you are drawing is technical enough to take on an almost clinical element (as LindaJeanne said "rectangles within rectangles") then this is where the passion, creativity and imagination is lost; not the medium used to get there.