You are right. It is a problem of scale in vue ( at least its a problem for me ) Importing the height map from world machine the relation terrain height to extends seem to get distorted. The mountains are far to high relating to the horizontal dimension. And being to high they cast large and hard shadows over to much area. If I scale the whole terrain up to 1000x1000km without touching height it gets very flat and I don´t get the materials in vue work very well. Looks all mushed up. Next thing I´ll try is to gently lower the height of the terrain in vue. I wished that the dimensions would stay correct. Perhaps someone has some experience with stuff like that. I googled very much but information is kind of thin on this area. I suppose the mentioned software can be used for projects like this but it is on the edge of their intention. It´s just me forcing my will to create a world designed in broad strokes with a procedural engine providing the wanted detail. We will see and every help is welcome.