Thanks ravells & Torstan for the kind words. Yes, I thought this was a higher res version when attaching it, but apparently there isn't one on this computer - I'll upload later.

I tend to draw small and always hide lots of little details and stories in my city maps, so I'll make sure to post some section zoom-ins as well.

The process for this one was a little different than others, because when I am working FOR someone I have to go through a multi-stage review process at regular milestones, thus allowing them to review, give feedback etc. This always makes the process longer than if I was just drawing something for *me*.

I use 0.03 and 0.05mm ink pens and draft out the city shape and major district notes, buildings, hill outlines etc all in pencil. It's very, very rough and really serves as a wireframe. Roads I draw lines for, trying to make them feel organic and logically placed. I draw the buildings either sides of the roads, vs. drawing the road edges, as - personally - I find that road edges in ink can be too harsh and overwhelming.

Once I have my draft city shape, hills, coastline etc I literally start inking in ... I just draw little tiny buildings and cluster them, shape them in a way that fits the city, culture, feel I am shooting for and any district requirements (i.e. there should be more temples here). I tend to find that drawing the buildings and allowing them to create the alleyways and minor roads, even open courtyards, gives the net result something of a natural feel.

I can typically get a map done in about 8-12 hrs, depending on size and complexity (for instance I am working on a 24"x18" one right now and it's taking a lot longer than that!)

My aim is to start coloring these digitally to really make them pop.