LOL@jtougas - thankyou! *bows*

Quote Originally Posted by torstan View Post
This is a beauty. Do you take any inspiration from Mike Schley's cartography? Some of your linework is reminiscent of his - and I mean that in a very good way!
Thanks Torstan. I've been drawing these maps for a while now and only came across Mike's work about a month ago - and I instantly fell inlove with it. I do see the simularities, and I do study his maps nowadays, but the line-styles ... that's just crazy coincidence. It's possible of course, because he has been around the block a bit that I have been subconsciously influenced by his style without knowing that I was looking at one of his maps, but generally speaking I've been drawing like this since the mid-nineties.

I'm humbled that my name would even be mentioned in the same sentence. I will admit that since discovering him on G+ I instantly fell in love and voraciously looked at his entire portfolio: it was like someone was showing me what I should be striving for! The true growth for me now is in my border work, colors, textures and that true artistic flair Mike has ... honestly, I admire it so, so much. If I could capture 20% of his talent, I'd be happy!