
I spent a couple of hours on the colors, still not too happy about the hills and the trees, but swamps, tundra and plains turned out very good. And ofc that clump of trees and hills in the middle is an eyesore need to work a bit on large hill formations and how to make them look nice

What I have realised is that this sort of map also deserves some color of the water, so basically if I color the land as much as I did here I should also color the water and not make the map look old or on this type of background.
On the other hand this type of background will work well if i decide to tone the colors a bit down and give it more of an ' ink on old parchment' feel Well now I know two types of maps I would like to do..both will be similar in drawing style, just one will go on to be a more colorful version then the other..and from there on I hope to get a better feel what style would I prefer.

Thnx again for the nice comment