Not a project I can tackle, but maybe I can help define it. You want ALL of China to be obliterated by a crater? That big an impact would probably crack the Earth, and would of a certainty remove all life other than cockroaches and kudzu - and those only in a remote valley in the new Bahama Range.

If all you need is for there to be EFFECTS across all of China, I could see a "merely" few dozen km crater, and a whole bunch of ejecta across thousands of km radius. I know, I know - you don't need realism to have a fun campaign. Still - some of your potential mappers would not be able to get past the implausibility factor and enjoy the cartography. 'Cause to get even a nibble, it has to sound like a fun project.

Now there's all KINDS of possibilities, if you tweak the parameters. Say a glancing blow, a ricochet that rung the whole ball like a bell, threw teratons of planet into orbit (nice new set of rings you have there) (kilometers-thick 'loose' material in one direction down-strike, for the new dwarves (?) to mine in), temporarily blew away half the atmosphere and a kilometer's depth of ocean (seriously diminished percent water surface, climate weirdness, waaaaay new coastlines) and generally ruined everyone's day.

What you want is massive mayhem, without transfer of cosmic levels of energy all the way INTO Earth. [dub in sound of cracking coconut] What I described would probably take a chunk seriously less than the size of Kanchenjunga or Kalamazoo. There's a reason kinetic energy strikes are a serious weapon in science fiction.

[long time later] Okay, not splitting the whole globe, but Really Bad News nonetheless. Fair warning, if you fool around with the Purdue Earth Impact calculator, you'll spend an inordinate amount of time throwing big rocks at the planet and seeing what happens. :-) To get a crater thousands of km across, I had to dial the asteroid up to hundreds of km across. Based on the effects it describes, kudzu *probably* survives. Vertibrates... might not. Richter 13+ on the other side of the planet....

From a mapping standpoint just how long after awakening do you want the map to be? And is it neutral omniscient observer/ gamemaster viewpoint, or in-game in-character viewpoint? The former could be any style under the sun. The latter would be (I'm guessing) nothing but an overprint on an existing Asia map as the awaken-ees put their energy toward rebuilding instead of surveying, if soon after. If a century or two later, maybe there's a whole new set of needs, standards, and methods in play, and one could believe an atlas style, or other labor-intensive data-intensive view... one that need not match Rand McNally or National Geographic. Or shoot, maybe the refugees from the past are so homesick it's been worth the effort to put a familiar spin on the new landscape. Centauroid/elvish trade routes in the style of an A-Z road atlas. Dwarven tunnels in the style of London Transport Tube maps. Or pull-down school maps with overprint in Sharpie showing the alterations.

If you give us a good tale, there'll be more to hang a map on - you're talking some serious imagination at work, so a kick-start might a) get us going in the direction you intend and b) get us intrigued with your project. So homework: next post is 10-15 paragraphs of background and/or narrative :-). Hey, if you work it out now, you'll be in better shape for the campaign, ja?

Have you considered doing these yourself? It's not a totally insurmountable obstacle, and you'd get something that lines up with your creative vision. Or do you Klingons just not do maps? :-)

Too bad you didn't propose this a bunch of months ago when the map contest was 'map a disaster'.