Hey all, here are some more tools for your pleasure.

ORBIS <-- Cool travel-map, found this thanks to Maezar
Colorbrewer: Color Advice for Maps <-- Neat tool to explore, good if you want different countries or boundaries.
TypeBrewer <-- Typestyle can really affect Maps
A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods <-- If you need to show information on your map and need a format to do it.
RANDOM.ORG - Geographic Coordinates <-- Great for brainstorming map places & ideas (more often than not, it’ll be water though)
http://www.mapcrunch.com/ <-- Random street view, helpful for inspiration especially with modern maps. Also shows cultural differences (architecture) and land differences between geographical location.
Behind the Name: Random Name Generator <-- Another name generator for some variation. Others I looked at were dumb because they were combined phrases, not actual names. (Example: Empire of the Dirty Pelican)
Flash Earth - Zoom into satellite and aerial imagery of the Earth in Flash <-- Neat alternative to google maps
NASA World Wind <-- More 3-D google earth stuff, by NASA
http://bioval.jrc.ec.europa.eu/produ...ing_laness.png <-- Shipping Lanes
Chaotic Shiny - Language Mixer <-- Language generator