If color and contrast were crimes, then you would be facing multiple felony counts with this map in its present stage.

The bright blue and green in such large doses come across as glare to my eye. The whole white cloud effect, or whatever it is, pollutes the map - but for no good reason. In essence, what does the map gain, for it being there is such large amounts? Absolutely nothing.

There are too many islands in this map, all of them competing for the interest of the human eye, and all of them getting lost in the process. To have that many land masses, with so little detail that distinguishes each one from the other, leaves me sort of wondering what the whole point of having so many land masses on display at the same time was to begin with?

The compass rose chosen for this map only adds insult to visual injury. Get rid of it, and replace it with something less trinket looking.

I am no fan of the icons in use on this map. The yellow contrasts with the green to an acceptable degree, but in the larger scheme of things, your affinity and penchant for over-resort to bright colors undermines your map.

I want to love all maps, because I love maps. However, this is not a map that I love. It is in need of major attention.