GrimFinger - thanks for the detailed comments. That's some very useful feedback.

The mountain ranges here are less mountain ranges and more scattered hills in a dry and parched waste. So there are no well defined 'ranges' as such. I assume that by 'terrible mountain ranges' you mean that there's a lack of a clearly defined ridge line?

There's very little water in this map for a reason. It's a blasted waste. And no, I don't know how that works with the forests. That's a game design issue and was not part of the remit for this.

The size posted here is a low resolution version as it's a published piece and the display size is limited by the client's request.

The icons are at odds with the style, I agree. The black/white was an earlier design choice to make them clearly visible no matter what, but in the end clashed too hard with the style. In the published maps of the other regions, these were toned down to deep reddish brown and more tightly integrated into the map rather than floating above.

The cluttering is the artifact of this being a half page illustration with a huge amount of detail. There's little way around that as far as I'm aware. The text needs to be large enough to be read, but still leave space for the illustrated detail the client required.

Good notes on the weathered edge. I'll take a more uneven approach next time.

The text was a challenge for this map - and throughout the Open Design commissions. There are a huge number of detailed locations and fitting readable labels onto the map whilst still maintaining some visibility for the underlying illustration was a difficult balance. Thanks for your comments. It's an area I continue to work on.