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Thread: Trinity - An Abandoned Comission

  1. #21
    Guild Expert
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
    Thanks kacey! I've actually created a short little walkthrough of my process over at my blog. It starts off much the same way that Ascension's Atlas Style Tutorial does (if you are familiar with it) by using fractal clouds to generate the basic shapes. Partly what I'm doing is using the fractal clouds to generate random shapes as a way of giving me me a base to work from. So initially a lot is left up to the randomness of the cloud formations. However I also am somewhat intentional about where I want to place things like peninsulas, archipelagos, inner seas and the like. After the main shapes are in I spend a good deal of time refining them. I zoom in and with a small hard brush begin to erase or expand islands, add fjords, ad or subtract lakes etc. The entire process can take a couple if I'm really trying to be detailed about it.

    Thanks so much! I never realized you had a blog, This is very helpful. I'm just starting a new project so I'll be putting this to use right away, and I'm excited to try this technique.

  2. #22


    My pleasure Kacey, hope it's helpful to you.


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