Very nice map! There are a few things I would like to comment on, in a rather unstructured way.

- Your colour schema is indeed very pleasant, though it makes the area seem rather arid. Is that intended?
- You could solve the problem with the rivers ending at the coast if you change the colour of the coastline to that of the rivers. A method I have seen in several modern maps.
- All of your linework - rivers, roads, coast - would benefit from a little blurring. They look very pixely the way they are now.
- They style of your hills looks rather nice, but the layout of these hills could use a little more... variation? Fragmentation? Especially the eastern range in it's wiggly form looks more like a human made structure, a dyke or such, than a mountain range.
- The background / base layer is a little plain. Perhaps you might want to add a little structure, like a parchment texture or something similar?