Well, I must say that I like what you have going on here.

Brings to mind a monastary for a militaristic order (ala Templar) and a town that grew up to supply it and the pilgrems that traveled the route. I do like the idea of a ferry as river crossing, but seeing as you have a bridge to the southe of the town and the road crossing at that point, wouldn't it make more sense to have placed the bridge where the ferry is? The ferry, while initially usefull to restrict the interuptions of the monks, is very ineffecient for the passage of goods and other traffic. Seeing as how it looks to me that the main road goes from NE to SW and goes AROUND the town before crossing, I would think that the town is missing out on some choise revenue there....another incentive to replace that ferry.....My suggestion would be to switch those two locations....although your plans for the south shore might though all that out the window...

I LOVE that compass too

Have some rep as well