Generally - putting up some images and asking for specific advice. Also having a title to a thread is useful. From the point of view of other members putting the name of the land is less useful than what it is. I.e. "Scrublands of Morkleish" as a title may not as good as "Hand drawn overland maps of Morkleish" or "Need help with Histogram features of PS". If you use a particular software or app or drawing style and thats what you need info on, then mention it in the title. That goes double if its a specific and unusual app. We have lots of members who look out for specific apps including some, like me, who develop some of the mapping apps. If your looking for hard crits instead of attaboys then mention it cos I would not generally harshly crit any map tho I may point out some things to improve - maybe. If you mention you want crits (harsh or otherwise) in specific areas of the map then make it known and the I could respond in that manner without fear of offense. This forum has a good track record of being nice and genial so its good that members follow that - Cartographers are nice !