Welcome to the Guild. You've come to the right place to learn and get inspired. Let's see if I can answer your questions. As far as a large regional map goes there are several great tutorials covering how to create these. the fact that you are already fluent in PS will only make learning how to create maps with it easier. Depending on what kind of map you want to create there are tuts for "artsy" style maps and more "photo-realistic" or satellite style maps. (maps that use textures and effects to create geographic features) Here are a couple of good tuts to take a look at: Saderan – a tutorial This is a lovley style of map with soft colors and a very fantasy "feel". Ascension's Atlas Style Tutorial - Revised Presentation + Actions, and Video! This is another great tut for another more "satellite" style map. This is a great town or city creation tutorial: Photoshop Town Tutorial As is this: A medieval town map tutorial in Photoshop I hope I've given you a point in the right direction and I look forward to seeing your work.