Some minor details:

-The Big Sister lake in northern Arcadia is draining in three different directions: Two northeastwards and one southward, into Lake Acatico, which in turn also drains further southeastwards into Petronicus Sound.
-Lake Albus in central Arcadia is connected to a river that has two separate coastal connections.
-Lake Qocha in souther Arcadia also has two separate river drains.
-There is a river in the Taquesuyu Kingdoms that forks into two different outlets.
-The lake in Southern Mwangi (I can't make out the name, I'm afraid) has five different drains going out.
-There is a river in central Tian'Xia that runs on both ends of a peninsula southeast of the Sapphire Sound.
-The river runing east-west across the Valashmai Jungles in southern Tian'Xia has two or three exits (I'm not sure if one is actually touching the coast).
-The rivers running out from Lacus Incubus in Sarusan connect to the coast both to the north and to the south.

Some of the deltas in some parts seem a bit too long, but other than those minor details, everything seems in order.