Well, I think your map looks really great. The amount of detail is stunning. Don't let Hai-Etlik's constructive criticism overwhelm you, just make the best of it without having to change the whole map. ^^ It's fantasy cartography after all (we can always come up with an otherworldly explanation for the weirdness of those odd terrain features^^) and there are a few of us here who can actually call themselves professional cartographers. There is always a second version to consider as well... We have to remember that it's knowledge about real life cartography among other things that makes us better at what we do here. Don't be afraid to try mapping your world again. After all we all learn from our mistakes. After what you've learned from Hai-Etlik I'm sure your next map would be truly awesome.

I had a look at your website and it seems that you have a major world building project going on. I admire you for your perseverance. Keep at it and may your maps look more realistic in the future! (If that is your wish of course^^)