Quote Originally Posted by RedSatyr View Post
Thanks for the link, Brian! I'm sure that will make things a lot easier to get my head around!

The problem with Dundjinni is that because the purchase never "completed" on the Dundjinni side, there's nothing they can do for me (Kepli and Bogie have both put an update in on the "Read This First" post about it). If I should get the software, I'll be right back here to mention it; however, as I'm not the first person this has happened to recently, I'm not holding my breath that I'll ever get a copy of the program. I have had my eye on the CC3 for a long time, but was always put off by the price (wanted to jump in with both feet and buy the whole shebang at once, but talked myself down for the actual purchase). I've played some with the Fractal Terrain program, and have enjoyed that so far. From what I've seen in the gallery, it looks like the output on the dungeon maps is somewhat similar to Dundjinni (at least in some cases). Have you found that to be the case?

Arsheesh, thank you for the welcome, and the link to Clerecon's tutorial! I'll be checking it out as soon as I have a couple of minutes to rub together. (Today has been Christmas shopping, and will be wrapping and getting gifts ready to post this evening. I am running so late this year!).
no problem dude those training videos are like instantly having months of experience dumped into your head lol

I personally recommend the tome of ultimate mapping as well I really enjoyed running through the tutorials. the basic CC3 chapter is the biggest part of the book then its got a chapter for every add on.

the results of every dungeon map I have done in cc3 has so far taken longer and not been as good a quality as the ones I can crank out in dundjinni but I have used it for a looooot more years.