Hmmm. Call me old-school but I am not much for integrating computers at the game-table. Too distracting. As a means for the GM to organize information, I have no problem with it though. What I'd do, if I were to run a modern Sci Fi campaign, was to have all the info ready (say as in the library data from Traveller) as discreet textfiles, and when a player looks one up I'd print it on the fly. The big advantages of paper are, besides not allowing anybody to get distracted by the WWW (and break immersion) or an app (on a phone or ipad), that it's easy to handle and you can doodle and take notes on it.

If you run a game on a galactic scale you can't map it all out anyway, and you can't detail every starsystem there is. It's just absolutely impossible. My current star map (not the sample I linked above) has about 500 named systems. One can automate a lot of course - stats and simple fractal maps - but imagine you spend even 30 minutes writing up a little blurb for every system, that's 250 hours or 10.5 days of non-stop work - or 31 working days of 8h each.