Quote Originally Posted by Dracontes View Post
I'd really like to know what was the technique you used to make this map as I'm trying to achieve similar results, i. e., Earth-like geomorphology. Other than that I'm fairly itching to do a tectonic analysis of this world, if you don't mind, that is.
I've actually been trying to keep the tectonic layout of the world in mind while designing everything, so I wouldn't mind at all! It would be interesting to see how closely my idea of the tectonic shapes matches up with yours.

As for the layout, pretty much the only thing I used was loads, and loads of reference images. It's all hand-drawn using a mouse (and now using a tablet I just purchased.)

Quote Originally Posted by Dracontes View Post
I think the only thing that detracts from this is the polar continent: it stands out by being far less detailed than the other land masses.
Because I'm using a rectangular projection for the map, things naturally become less and less detailed the farther north/south you go, so that's more an artifact from the map projection than the coastline layout, but I'll certainly keep that in mind.

On to other things, though...

I've been doing a lot of work on the map over the weekend, and I've thrown together two rough images for some topography and lake/river layouts. I'm leaning towards the less detailed one, mostly because when hand-drawing something, the more details you include, the more things you can wind up getting wrong. Less can be more, and allow something to appear more detailed because the mind fills in the blanks. The less detailed topography would also give me more leeway for re-drawing the lakes and rivers, many of which I'm currently not happy with at all.

Also, for the record, these are only 800x800 because that's the most photobucket can allow. Once I figure out how to attach these to my post, I'll do so like that at a higher resolution - My work copies are 4000x4000 (approximately 5 kilometers per pixel)

Any thoughts?