Verrrry nice intro, Sylvia - I deem anyone willing to contribute from the git-go repworthy, but then you also posted a really *good* map. In future if you can actually upload maps, they'll be available no matter what happens to your hosting in the future. Not like the CG site is guaranteed to be eternal, but it's got the force of a horde of mappers behind it, even though the admin is by one or a few. I figure this site will outlast my meager site, f'rinstance :-).

New rule (if I were King... ) : everybody who posts a map made for somebody's novel or story or screenplay has to post an announcement of the book (etc) once it gets published! I know some do, and I know some works never get published, but the ratio of maps-for-books to book announcements seems to be 50-1 or 100-1 .

Can you tell us some about how you created the Torren Empire map? After-the-fact work-in-progress info, if you will.