You are the devil, to give us this.

Many are the Hells of this sultry vixen. Pity the warts, but love the body.

Much depth. Countless intricacies. Butt ugly in the face, though.

May you live long, and may you never stop drawing. Draw your ink from a bottomless well.

It would take forever to explore this map. Isn't that what we want, though?

Your style is. . .crude isn't the word. I'm not sure how to describe it. Young. Your map is a creature of youth. We see this world through one eye. May the day come when we see it through your other eye.

It is a mish-mash of everything, yet like a mute, it says very little.

Why torment us, even as you seduce us? That's what makes you a devil.

Of course, there's much worse fates in life than to be anointed a cartographic devil, my friend. Much worse fates, indeed!

Congratulations on what you have achieved, here.