Welcome to the guild. Certainly we are a little short of people qualified in geology and geography and would welcome any comments and criticisms of maps which show aberrant behavior. It is true that most of the maps here are fantasy and maybe do not need to follow the exact physics of earth / science I think most people would like almost all of their map to follow real terrain geography and physics and only have the odd part where magic may play an additional part to the land forms.

We do have some long threads running about land forms, geomorphology, plate tectonics etc and the most read one in that field is the one about river placement which seems to trip up the most obvious mistakes for maps that were supposed to have correct topology.

As a site tho, we are not exclusively about fantasy maps and do present real earth maps, science fiction maps, alternative earth maps and occasionally historical maps too. We can do hand drawn, computer simulation, GIS, vectors, raster, pen and ink, the odd 3D model and maybe something even more exquisite. If its to do with maps then its all fair game.

On a personal note, I was having trouble software modelling ice flows from glaciers and tho I have finished doing that for a while if you have any photos of the snow line in the Himalayas then I would like to see them. Since I had this question come up last week too, maybe this is something you may know well. What is the range of heights whereby you might expect to have a snow line in mountainous conditions ?

Thanks !