Quote Originally Posted by jfrazierjr View Post
Note 100% sure, but I believe PS has paths, which can be stroked with a variety of brush widths and styles to get a dashed line effect. I know GIMP can do it.

Yup it can do it. I personally prefer the pen/path tools of illustrator, so I tend to stick to the selection tools and convert them to a path.

For example, select the area you have the color painted to mark the borders. Once you have the "marching ants" go to the path palette and click the button "Convert to Path". Then you can click on the pen tool and set your pen options to a wide spacing. Select the layer on which you want to draw the dotted line. Finally on the path palette again click the "stroke path" button and presto, done.

For more Photoshop tutorials try www.Tutorialized.com. They have a ton of tutorials on just about every graphics program. The tutorials are usually ad sponsored and thus free.