I think it works well. If you have a location topic (or a special location-derived topic like a settlement or region) you can add a map item as a snippet and then you can go load up a map image. On the image you can add pins for points of interest and link those to existing topics. You can also (haven't tried it) control how much of this players see if you decide to share it...so you can show only explored areas.

It's very cool as implemented already and I expect it'll get better. One thing I'd like to see, in addition to pins, is "areal features"...so, you could outline something like a forest or region and have it link to a topic and still have additional pins for points of interest within that area. Just a need I've run across.

One more, general feature, that I'm happy about is the auto-linking. When you make an entry it scans the database for things you've already created and suggests linking them. If I've got a person topic called "Torstan" and a sub-item there that says you created "Beautiful Map #37" and then I create an entry for Cartographers Guild as another topic and put Torstan under members, it'll ask me if I want to link to the existing Torstan topic. Not only that, but I think you can highlight a term and then create a new topic based on that word. Seems to me these features, and some others, the perfect campaign *creation* tool...above and beyond its data entry and management features.

As I write this I hope I'm not violating my NDA. The program is a beta and all features are subject to change...but I believe this basic functionality is likely to stay.