Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
Hi Rave, Like the map on the wall. To make stuff like that depends on what you have for the initial source maps to use. If you have some height map images in greyscale then you can use the level adjustment and obtain some of the shades as white on black and then convert to vector with inkscape. From there you can import to blender 3d and you can export that to STL for a 3D printer. I believe some of the NC cutters can import DXF. So let us know what you have to start with and what you need to drive the machines.
Just need the height maps. I can level it out into the steps I need using my tools. The picture of the map is done with 8 layers of laser cut wood. So my first test was to take central oregon and slice it into layers at 500m or so using Global Mapper. I'm interested in making topographical maps in 8 or so layers that also have an etched overlay (the drawings on the map of Middle Earth for example). I might 3D print small details (towers, mountains, etc). My first goal is locating resource material and learning how to author my own stuff.