Quote Originally Posted by - Max - View Post
I think what happened should make CG think about what can be done about the pictures we post and share. I'm scared that some of us would stop to share their works regarding some stupid and unkindly behaviors like we just saw :/
While frustrating that someone attempts to make a dime off of one of us it could be thought of as a kind of advertising expense.
I was very concerned about this type of thing when I started posting stuff on the internet myself. (Not that I'm making stuff that's easily stolen or arguably worth stealing but...)

I decided I had a choice to either draw for myself and keep it to myself and those few of my friends who cared to look at it or I could expose my work to the universe knowing there would be some folks who might steal it on occasion. Now, I have no way of knowing if anything has been stolen but I'm sure it'll happen sooner or later and I'll probably be right hacked off about it. I saw a guy shoplift right in front of me the other day at a store and I wanted to rip his head off. What I do know is that due to my posting stuff I have received several commissions that have been from paying customers. Commissions that would never have happened otherwise. I also feel like my best work is yet to come so basically, I have chosen to look at it as an advertising expense and that helps to soften the pain.

Now, in regards to this guy we are posting about, what a jackwagon! Obviously Schwarzkreuz deserves compensation if only for the principle of it. Maybe the website who allowed this to be posted would be willing to post a link to his website or else here for a period of time equivalent to the amount lost which might bring in some benefit to Schwarzkreuz? I certainly hope they banned the guy who was selling stuff from there but I imagine (especially if they were getting a cut) they are only sorry they got caught.