I should actually thank all of you. I do apologize for my coarseness. I hope I didn't sound like a jerk, it's just that sometimes it comes out that way when I type.

Okay I'll start uploading some of my work soon! Currently I am working on a very basic and small dungeon map but it doesn't look that good graphics wise. It is being done on MS Paint with Vista, so pretty basic. I'm not sure how everything will go as I am basing the design on D&D and since I am new to the genre, I am working in the dark.

Also, I will be making a large overland map in the future. I can't really say what I need help with yet for that one but I'll let you any/all know in the next several weeks ahead.

Btw, thank you tortsan.

That's good to hear about CC3, I wasn't sure how it works.

Thank you Max, Kier, tortsan & Korash!