You've definitely got a better first start on this style than many people. The mountains frequently cause problems for beginners. I think you could get some large improvements here by doing something about the their colors. First, that rich brown looks like they're made of mud rather than stone. They're also very uniform, with little to no indication of the different biomes they're adjacent to. Mountains rising out of a desert should probably not look identical to mountains surrounded by forests and grasslands. If you can find a way to have the terrain colors climb the sides of the mountains at least a little way, that would probably look good. Also, you're missing snow caps, which would probably help sell them as mountains, too.

The forests are another thing that often cause some problems. At the moment, yours look too tall and puffy. If you reduce the size of your bevel and pull the drop shadow in so that it's just barely perceptible, that will solve the height problem. The puffiness comes from two things: First, the frequency of the noise you used to generate the texture is very low in comparison to the scale of the map. Second, the forests have smooth, rounded edges. If you can add some amount of scattering to their borders, and maybe make their edges a bit more wiggly, that will help things.

Are you using Photoshop or the Gimp? Or something less common? From the look of it, I suspect you've used the Gimp adaptation of Ascension's satellite style. In any case, have some rep for posting a map with your first post! (Rep is short for reputation, and it's our way of showing approval for contributions.)