I have approved your post.

You were a bit unlucky there in that it took so long. We get a LOT of spam on the site and whilst you dont see a lot of spam thats because as soon as someone hits the mod button its not visible and also the mods kill it off quite quickly. But we also have an auto moderation function whereby if your post looks like it could be spammy then it gets auto moderated and we have to approve it. So if your first post has links to stuff and images - basically the sort of post most people put in from joining then it can get caught. So thats why its always a good idea to join and post a members intro with a few lines about what your interested in then post some maps.

So apologies for the delay but in the long run you will find its worth it. And another thanks to all those who do hit the "Report Post" moderate button (little triangle at the bottom of posts) on a post that is clearly not map related ! We take a hard line on spam, SEO fluff and things that prevent the site from delivering its great service.