Well, you can't blame them for wanting to get in on an obvious market. It's just the natural extension of Heroquest which was always quite close to D&D. They have a problem though as the free apps and cheap apps appear to be superior in function to the gametable they are putting forward. The only thing they have got going for them is the eye-candy 3D effect. That will get them a decent following I'm sure, as will the fact that they have the 4ed rules built in.

The eye-candy cuts both ways though. If you want to do something that can't be built in their 3D app then it is going to be harder to get your players to suspend their disbelief and go along with a verbal description that is at odds with the 3D views they are used to.

I think the 2D apps actually have the edge in this one as no-one expects the 2D top-down views to be anything more than representative. Also, they are rules agnostic and appeal to broader markets than WotC. Also, as far as I can tell, trevor from rptools and Redrobes (of here, and ViewingDale) are not actually physical incarnations of EVIL and so probably have an edge there too

PS Just to appeal to all the anti-WotC among us (I'm a 3.5 player so don't actually have that much of a problem with them) - they recently screwed up by releasing a 'screenshot' of gametable where they had just stolen the dice from a screen-grab of Fantasy Grounds. Whoops.