For me as a DM, it's all about the scaling. As I said earlier, it doesn't matter what level you are, to succeed you need to roll between an 8-13. Because AC scales just as attack bonuses everything keeps even.

Further because of this in my group if only 3 of the 6 players how up, I can scale the encounter appropriately no matter the level and ensure they still have a challenging fight that is neither a push oer, or in danger of killing them outright.

I also understand easily how to scale a monster by creating one out of thin air so to speak, by determining role, quickly calculating HP, AC and attack powers and a special power. Very easy once you read the tables and create a few on the fly.

SO, I say thank you WotC.

Oh, and not to name drop here, but because I have actually sat down at breakfast or lunch with a lot of the WotC guys from Jonathan Sweet and Monte Cooke through to Andy Collins and company, I know these are guys who want to do what they can to make this a GOOD GAME. It's not just a business for them, but it IS their hobby as well.