Thanks very much! Glad you like it. And thanks for watching me on DA!

I can't take credit for the explosion. It's a freebie I found on DA. Very awesome looking, and as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to use it in a map...for a really nasty trap! Hehe.

The chain is also a freebie, from the Dundjinni forums. I just stacked them on top of each other to create a chain wall.

A lot of my older maps only had grid versions, but I'm now including gridless versions for all my recent ones, and slowly going back through the older ones and updating them to include gridless versions as well.

I've never played a table-top RPG, so it's been quite a bit of a learning experience with making them playable (and versatile) for others to use. When I first started making maps, I didn't know anything about VTTs (I didn't even know they existed - had to watch some YouTube videos to see what they were all about - LOL!) and what you could do with them, like adding in your own grid, or how some people prefer to use hex grids rather than squares, etc. In fact, in the very beginning, I didn't even realize that others would want to play on my maps. Heh.

Thanks again!