I just started reading fantasy and my jaw dropped when I finished the second book of the first law series by joe abercrombie. Soon starting the final book of the trilogy after I finish gardens of the moon by steven erikson.

I started reading after a long pause from it(last time i read fantasy was in elementary school. harry potter,eragon). So i guess I haven't read much but gardens of the moon is soo epic in scale that in all honesty i feel that the more i read of malazan book of the fallen the more I'll like it, but the setting in first law trilogy feels really strong(maybe i just like the way he writes the story) i really enjoyed the first two books and I have to say the third one is unlikely disappoint me no matter what joe decided to write since he already created a strong feeling of wanting to finish the series through a great set of characters. Meaning the characters are certainly a driving point and the story is being orchestrated by the ancient mage that likes to talk in riddles and always leaves a thirst for more information about the world or characters. Now that is something that isn't going to work with bad pacing or boring setting, so I have to go with the first law series. Up close and personal is the feeling I got from this series.