Thanks for all your posts, this thread has been incredibly helpful
However, I've taken a different approach myself for climates, after a lot of investigation and studying climate and vegetation zones here on earth, and after some help from the climate cookbook, I thought It would be best for me to personally place each zone on my world, It has given much better results than FT3 too which's climates are way too ambiguous for my taste, I investigated and studied specifically the Holdridge Life Zones, the Köppen Climate Clasification and the FRA2000. Since each of them only covers a certain topic (which places have which climates, which places have which vegetation and which climates have which vegetation) it was necessary to collate all the information together before attempting to actually place each climate and vegetation in the map, however I must say that the results are much more satisfactory than those of FT3 with the disadvantage of having no concrete temperature and rainfall information.