Hi. Thanks for sharing your map work. I like the rivers and bays / inlets, and the shadowdark edge of the continent which seems to pop up from the ocean. The mountains are good but seem to have a slightly different flavor style compared to the rest. The forest is very flat looking with those circles, which actually works when zoomed out, but looks not as good when zoomed in. But I could see it printing nicely, to be functional on paper.

For farms you could try a similar style, instead of circles, do a small thatched grid of parallel lines (rows of farm), or give them a little curvature for hilly farmland. Go very sparse with those farm patches, a little goes a long way I think. Deserts maybe just a pattern of dots? Then plains could just be, well, plain - is it is now in the undecorated parts.

P.s. I think it is a regional or continental, Southern part of a large continent, map, if I am looking at the right map. I do not see a whole world map there.