Or, you could setup your computer to use a t.v. as a second monitor. I know that I've seen people setup a t.v. as a monitor and are able to slide icons from their "Laptop" screen to their "T.v." screen. This could work out if you set the t.v. monitor behind your laptop monitor, the player's view of VTT on the t.v., and the GM's view on the laptop. And you'd still be able to see your players as long as no one sits directly across from you. If all else fails you'll have to stand. Personally, I wouldn't want everyone having a laptop at the table... last time we did that, the people with laptops were playing games other than the table top game...

My favorite setup though is the projector on the ceiling, but pricey and not good to go if you live in a building that it wouldn't be allowed in. :-/.