Love this challenge. So hard to choose.

Though A Jigsaw Dungeon by cfds didn't get much attention, if one thinks about it, it could be quite useful.

For example, what if only one door could open without springing a trap or loosing more monsters. There's only one safe way through the map, winding around through several rooms, many with monsters lurking in wait. By the time the players get to the treasure room, if they've taken the right path, they made it pretty easy. Keep choosing the wrong door, however, and players are going to eventually start to die.

This would make characters who can detect and disarm traps vital, as well as scholarly ones who can decipher codes and cryptic, arcane writings. Many rooms could contain a riddle and solving the riddle would tell the players which door is safe to open. Maybe a door requires faith and a knowledge of holy scriptures to open. Also, maybe the correct door is just really hard to open, requiring great strength.