Firstly, Welcome to the Guild, The Mappiest Place on the Web

Secondly, as to what we can offer you here at the Guild...3 things that we do that are virtually unmatched ANYWHERE else on the interweb; 1- Take someone with "absolutely no artistic talent" and show them how to turn out really good maps. We have OOOODLES of tutorials that do just that. 2- Provide an unbelievable pool of talent for those that really do not have the time or inclination to make their own maps. We have a Map request page that should connect you to someone who can suit your needs. 3- Provide one of the friendliest and helpful communities around for ANYONE interested in maps. We have a WIP (WorkIn Progress) Forum where anyone from rank beginners to (very) experienced pros can post something that they are working on and recieve constuctive comments and criticism that helps them create better maps. It is here (in the WIPs) that the community REALLY comes to the fore.

Thirdly, I cannot suggest strongly enough that you look through the Tutorial section for a style you like and try some of them out. You will be amazed how fast you can learn to make maps the you now think would be imposible for you. All it really takes is a bit of practice, patience and posting in the WIPS to get you from here to there.

Enjoy your stay Gary