As usual really great work Torstan.

I'm actually planning on buying some of your maps soon, unlikely I'll use them in my own D&D campaign as for me the fun is making the setting and maps myself (similarly to how I don't use published adventures), however, I do want to start converting my own maps I'm making for my sessions and making them of a publishable quality and I can't think of a better artist to turn to for a "this is how you do it right" in regards to laying them out and what content to include. Any in particular you'd recommend I take a look at?

I'm also curious as given you have a large range of maps that you make which type of maps you get the most success with; smaller encounter maps, larger encounter maps or regional/setting maps? Have you attempted any publishable adventures (I'm debating on whether to put the time in on making system neutral adventures that give maps and setting but no stats, figures, and setting specific lore, etc.)

Anyway, sorry for the derail, but you're work has been a big inspiration.