If you want a realistic planet, you have to think about it being a sphere. That map you described as "the whole planet", doesn't look anything like a map of a whole sphere. What it should look like, depends on the particular projection you use, but whatever projection you use, a map of a full globe is going to show some sort of distortion (because you are distorting a sphere into a plane)

When you make a regional map of a globe, you can't just zoom in on a global map, you have to use a suitable projection for the extent and intent of the particular maps, and a global extent and a continental extent, require different projections. If you look at the graticule on the Korrachan map, it's fan shaped, which means it's in a conic projection which makes sense for a map at that scale.

Your coastlines also look a bit too consistently squiggly. If you look At earth, the coastline is, overall, a lot less squiggly than that, and the size and frequency varies considerably. So you have extremely squiggly places like Norway, or British Columbia, and fairly smooth areas like the Gulf of Guinea