Welcome to the Guild Bunny, it is The Mappiest Place on the Web.

You should be aware that all kinds of furrys are welcome, but the Vorpal ones get a close watch on, and we have a Holy Hand Grenade or two on hand. Just in case....

We are a friendly bunch around here so don't be shy about posting what you got, in the WIPs (Work In Progress) or Finished Maps forum. The WIPs are where you get the better c&c for helping solve problem and answering any of your questions as you bring a project to completion. One of our great satisfactions here at the Guild, beside seeing great maps, is the knowing that we have helped someone bring a map from here to there. One of the ways that we do this is the Tutorial forum where many of us have posted the techniques used to create some of the maps you see here.

Have fun and enjoy your stay