I've seen this and have been on the fence about it.

It looks cool. However, for actual game sessions, I need way more than dungeon walls and floors. When I look at several sets put together, I end up thinking - is that really all I can do with these? I need wooden walls, brick walls, dirt floors, all kinds of other terrain to make these really versatile. My next session will be in a house and swamp. These don't work for that. Last session was on a farm. These don't work for that either. On the other hand, I have been able to use: Paizo's map packs and WoTC Dungeon Tiles in all four of my latest game sessions. While these look more substantial and have a general cool factor, I've never used the Dwarven Forge that I already have (dungeon walls and floors similar to these), and I've found much more usability with the tiles, flip mats, etc. Cool vs. practical is the dilema. YMMV