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Thread: Map for a book?

  1. #1

    Post Map for a book?

    Hi. I’m not entirely sure how this works, but if someone could help me out that’d be perfect. I cannot pay by any means, but if I could acquire an original, fictional map I’d be thrilled. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy (Gosh, I don’t care if you use MS Paint!) but I am completely untalented when it comes to mapmaking myself. I can give further information if someone is interested . . . if I like the map made and if I have the artist’s permission, the map may, edited of not, appear in an actual book.

    As there can be no pay, I understand completely if no one shows interest.

    (Could someone please inform me if I'm doing anything wrong here. )
    I'm not a cartographer, I am an author. Please don't ask me any questions. Thank you.

  2. #2


    What sort of book is it?

    To me anyway, fairness is more important than pay. If you are giving the final product away there are a number of maps here you could use. The creative commons license lets you use an artists work, without consultation (though that is nice), so long as its a non commercial venture and you attribute your source.

    You'd be surprised who might be interested.

    What sort of world are you thinking of? What time period? What sort of style were you thinking of?

    Don't give up too easily .

    Last edited by Sigurd; 06-20-2008 at 02:14 PM.

  3. #3


    It's a fantasy/fiction teen book. I have a basic idea of the land that it's based in . . . Okay, I'll try to explain:

    Time period: Not really any real time period. Castle times, if you will.

    Style: I’m not sure I understand this question. I don’t want a whole world, just a small portion. The story is about a journey so . . .

    Sort of world: It’s thoroughly imaginary. There’s an island that has extreme importance in the story and also the mainland that the characters head off to. A few small villages and towns scatter the area.

    If you are interested in helping me out, you can PM me.
    Last edited by Lekeila; 06-20-2008 at 02:58 PM.
    I'm not a cartographer, I am an author. Please don't ask me any questions. Thank you.

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Some suggestions to narrow it a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lekeila View Post
    Time period: Not really any real time period. Castle times, if you will.
    Fantasy - i.e Medieval which can be early Dark Ages or late where gunpowder starts appearing. Any castles change shape dramatically based on this. Also there is high or low fantasy which I believe is how much magic is around and how fantastic the monsters are. Low means mostly historic, high is more like Tolkien.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lekeila View Post
    Style: I’m not sure I understand this question.
    Well, colour or B&W. Pen and Ink style ? 3D / Iso or top down. Hand drawn style or very computer like. With or without hex / square grid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lekeila View Post
    Sort of world: It’s thoroughly imaginary. There’s an island that has extreme importance in the story and also the mainland that the characters head off to. A few small villages and towns scatter the area.
    Might just need a rough pencil sketch. It can be *real* rough but thats better than nothing.

    I am very busy indeed right now but theres lots of people here who might like to chip in.

  5. #5


    Hand drawn, isometric view, regional map . . . B&W, without hex / square grid.

    It's low fantasy.

    I'll see if I can get a pencil sketch on here. I shouldn't have too much trouble with that.
    I'm not a cartographer, I am an author. Please don't ask me any questions. Thank you.

  6. #6


    Thanks Lek,

    Honestly defining what you'd like helps everyone. If someone can only give you something different then you can make the call if it'll do - sometimes an inspired miss is better than a bland hit. For the artist, some sort of direction helps sort through all the possibilities.


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