This is one of my firsts for a regional map. I usually spend my time mapping cities and smaller scale projects, but a friend of mine asked for this map for a campaign that we have been playing on and off for the past 2 years. His character, Sum Lung, is a self-styled regent or lord over a small province of rural villages. We are playing an Exalted campaign, and this represents (our take on) one of the regions in the South of Creation.

The idea for this map came from this sketch I did for him earlier.


However, we felt that we needed something more detailed, with a degree of accuracy.


Here is this map. What do you all think? I followed closely to as many cartographic conventions that I am familiar with, particularly in placing text and symbols. Since this was all done in Illustrator, everything on this map is a vector, so I can make changes as I see fit, and perhaps as the map and campaign evolve. Likewise, I created a bunch of symbols and line brushes that can be used on future maps I may want to make in this style for the campaign.

Comments, suggestions, questions are indeed welcome.