Thank you ravells,

Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
I like the color scheme, and the layout of the map. Nice job. One suggestion though: if you're not using a crisp background image--better if you can, but if you don't have one--you might try reducing the opacity on the pen drawing layer, duplicate it, then go to Filters > Blur > Lens Blur and add a tiny bit of blur to that duplicated layer so that it better matches and melds with the background. Just a tiny detail thing. It is better if you can use a crisp background.
Hmm, I've never tried this, thanks for the tip. But, what exactly do you consider a crisp background?

Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
One thing I noticed is that the font doesn't have the same level of diffuse edges that the hand-drawn portions do and I find that a little jarring. Perhaps a little blur and possibly fine-grained shower-door displacement on the text would help to make it to match the rest of the image. The same thing applies where the text cuts the background (e.g. Red grounded Plains label across the river); the sharp edges on an otherwise diffuse line just looks unfinished.
Sorry to bother you, but how can I do this (the bold area)? Actually I never heard this expression