So here we continue. I'm using my week off-work to be effective ! So as said the other day I've finished the outline of the coasts. I've put in placeholders paper texture and basic colors. And I decided to start with the mountains as most geographical elements depend on them. As you'll notice, I'm using the Brush taken off Ramah's maps which are simply gorgeous ! Thanks again Ramah for being such an inspiration ! So at this point I think the mountain ranges do look good. Of course they don't mix with the ground very good yet as I didn't do anything with the ground but it'll come. I've only done the first third of the map so I still have a good day of mountains placement ahead of me. Once they are done I'll do the same with hills.

Also, I'll remind everyone that I've downsized this to 3000x3000 as the original is 10,000x10,000. Also, it seems it's started to get too heavy for CG upload, time to use IMGUR !